Saturday, November 20, 2010


Knee pain and bone spurs

About five years ago, stains and refinishing oak floors on my knees I spent several days. After that, every time down I knelt, I felt like I was kneeling on the heels. I could stand the pain from time to time, but in the church, reminded me of the week. My orthopedic surgeon X-ray had told everyone behind the ball several bone spurs. He said he could not do, and finally ended his career. What joy!

As an adventurous type, I bought a bottle of a common complement
containing glucosamine HCl and Boswellia. To my surprise, she removed the needles and pins a week. You kneel again. I was right! When the bottle was finished, I stopped to check on additive really work. After a week, needles and pins returned.

Glucosamine and Boswellia to help, but my joints "loose", but "slippery" feel, so I wanted to try something else. Co-worker mentioned her husband's friend MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) can not function without arthritis. I tried the MSM, who have worked and my joints felt normal. I asked my orthopedic surgeon with the CSM. Interestingly, he said: "What is it?" I was surprised that he has no knowledge of other supplements their patients with arthritis can be used.

I currently have a supplement containing glucosamine and MSM (1500 each, a tablet mg per day) have been using. I kneel down and running 10 miles a week. So far, needles and pins do not come back. Many times it hard on your knees and the resulting pain reminds me that the bone spurs are still waiting landed. Perhaps in the future I may need supplements to maintain bone other products containing chondroitin tried investigation spurs. Even thenPsychology article, I stay with what works for me.

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